Monday, June 19, 2006


Mike got the call this morning around 8:00am. Our case worker told him we have travel approval and by Wednesday we will have actual travel dates. Of couse I hit him with a gazillion questions of which he could not answer. I told him I was going to call the agency and talk to our case worker, but he said she told him she would be in a meeting. I tried to call her a couple of times, but never got thru to her. So I emailed her and this is the reply I got back.

Congratulations! We received your travel notice along with one other family and then the group 121. The other family will go to Liaoning province and the group is going to Fujian province. We've asked for an appointment on July 17 or 24, and if we get the 17th, then one other family will be there then too. We do hope to have a response by tomorrow but it might be Wednesday. Then we can have you get tickets. Well, I'll call as soon as we get the embassy appointment. Congratulations again!

By 8:30 this morning, I was so excited I told my boss he might as well send me home because I would not be very productive. I couldn't concentrate or sit still. I was a giddy mess! Unfortunately, he made me stay at work. I made it to 2:30 and rushed home to get our visa applications sent to the courier service. They will go out tonight and we should have them back by next week.

I was originally going to post about the nice weekend we had---the harley ride on Sat., taking Mike out to eat for father's day & to the movies, etc. but that was nothing compared to this!!!


1 comment:

Mom 2 six said...