Sunday, November 30, 2008

Catching Up.....
It has been a very busy time around here the past week. I was fortunate enough to have some time off from work. It started last weekend with Macie and her Chinese dance group performing at the 65th Annual International Folk Fair in Milwaukee. The girls performed a dance call "Little Bird". They did a great job and everyone looked beautiful. It took me quite a while to get the ribbons in Macie's hair.

The next few days were busy preparing for the Waala Thanksgiving. We counted 49 people! That includes my side of the family and Mike's side. He is #9 of 10 kids so there really is no such thing as a small family gathering. We love to have everyone over. We cooked two 20+ pound turkeys and a 15 pound ham. We had lots of delicious food and even better company. We are very thankful for our wonderful families. We have truly been blessed beyond measure!

Of course we had to venture out on black Friday. It has become part of the tradition. I think I am just about done with all of my shopping. Now we just have to get the baking done.

Saturday we spent the day putting up the Christmas tree and decorating the house. Mike went back up north to sit in the woods and hope for a deer to wander by. He will have to get the outside decorations up next weekend.

Sunday we had yet another gathering at my Aunt Susie's house. Every year we have a brunch to celebrate Jesus' Birthday. Again, more good food and good company.

Wow! I think I have to go back to work, just to rest!

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